Pre Baby: Maintain a fitness program throughout your pregnancy.
Post Baby: Get started with a fitness program after the bundle of joy arrives.

Pre Baby: Many women like to continue on with their exercise routine. It is very safe to train right throughout your pregnancy. Many studies have shown that it is beneficial for women to maintain a good level of fitness whilst pregnant.

Gillian outlines a program that is safe for the woman to follow and help guides the woman as the pregnancy goes along. As the body changes over the months, Gillian will plan a program that adapts to these changes.

Post Baby: Following an initial period, many women are eager to resume a fitness plan. Once, the woman is given medical clearance to resume, Gillian can help to plan a program.

After having a baby, there are many challenges. It can be difficult to know when and how to resume a training plan. Gillian will outline a program that will start in a safe manner and progress gradually so that the client improves and restores their confidence.

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